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Aku hidup lagi, cuma lifeless.


I haven't been updating my blog for a while now. Ada lagi stalker setia yang tak follow tapi selalu bukak blog ni tak? Kalau ada, please like. Kalau takda, I AM VERY DISAPPOINTED IN YOU! :( Haha. Boleh macam tu? 

It has been only a month since SPM and setiap kali fikir pasal result rasa macam oh tolonglah fast-forward ke bulan sembilan terus. Please. Please. Please. Ok so now tak ada apa apa goal untuk tahun ni. Tak ada SPM untuk distudykan. Takda sekolah untuk prepare kerja sekolah. So I don't know what to do each day. As going to school is a challenge, not knowing what to do everyday is ALSO a challenge okay :\

Tapi aku still tak rindu nak ke sekolah. Nope. Not gonna be all cheesy and say 'Aku rindu sekolah :('. Nope.


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