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School reopen, Ficken!


Okay. I have been posting loads of entries during the hols. I feel like I want to post a lot of entries. By this time, all the feelings gone away. School is starting tomorrow! I never once looked forward to the day that school reopens. I understood why some people would love to go to school again but the attraction never seem to appealing to me. I just don't get it. 

Some people are saying that I would be talking in a different tone when I actually be dismissed from high school forever i.e when I finished my senior year. But I don't know, I have doubts. I sure will miss the moments I have in the school, the ups and downs through the high school years but you know, actually want to go to school and learn. Not my thing. I like to learn stuff at my own expense. A very bad thing, a very bad concept. I know. I'm trying to tweak it but without success. 

Shit. I sound like a terrible school mishap, with bad upbringings, which I'm not. Because my brother is very good in his studies, shows that my parents had done a good job in bringing us up. I think I may be the black sheep of the family. I'm not exactly stupid. I just.. I just don't like the mainstream of this whole thing. Sure, I would love to go into medical course and be a surgeon someday, what is more mainstream than that? But what I really want to be is like something that have to do with designing stuff and maybe business. I always knew deep down I'm so into those stuff but somehow I think that in money-making wise, those aren't exactly the best.

I need to get my stuff in control. I just need to just follow the flow now.

And then we can go haywire later.


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